Kirk D Yake, Esq.
Mediator, Arbitrator
Mediator Yake was admitted to the California State Bar in 1993, and has practiced law in San Diego, Orange and Los Angeles counties, as well as in Arizona and Colorado. Upon concluding his litigation practice in January 2016, he transitioned his negotiation and resolution expertise into a successful mediation and arbitration practice. Service to the dispute resolution community includes mediating employment discrimination cases for the Federal Equal Opportunity Employment Commission (EEOC), serving as an arbitrator for the California Contractor’s State License Board, serving as an arbitrator of attorney-client fee disputes for the San Diego County Bar Association and arbitrating for the Better Business Bureau’s Auto Line arbitration panel. During this time, he has continued mediating various matters through AMCC, the San Diego Superior Court’s mediation program, the West Coast Resolution Group panel, and his private mediation practice.
Mediator Yake’s law practice focused on the litigation of construction defect claims on behalf of homeowners’ associations and individuals. In 2013, he formed a sole practice focused primarily in construction and real estate litigation. Mediator Yake has represented parties in claims involving environmental nuisance and contamination, mobile-home park conversions, personal injury, employment and construction contracts. He has also served as general counsel for homeowners’ associations in all facets of community association matters. He is known in his field by both plaintiff’s and builder’s counsel for his implicit sense of fairness, principled negotiation and use of mediation to resolve difficult claims turning on insurance coverage and disputed facts. He has been successful in resolving construction defect lawsuits through negotiation without the filing of suit.
University of San Diego School of Law, J.D. 1993
University of San Diego, San Diego, B.A. 1987
Professional History
Law Office Kirk D. Yake, 2013 to Present
Ward & Hagen, LLP, Of Counsel, 2008-2013
Naumann, Levine & Silldorf, LLP, Associate, 2005-2008
Burdman & Benson, LLP, Burdman Law Group, Associate, Partner, 1998-2005
Sildorf, Burdman, Duignan & Eisenburg, Associate, 1994-1998
Attorney, Californa State Bar, License No. 167824 (1993-Present)
Real Estate Broker, California Department of Real Estate (2005-Present)